In the multicore system the processor is divided into small cores and the task to perform is divided into these cores as to perform the task in a faster way. Lets know the difference between the different microprocessor system.
First Generations Microprocessors
Intel has developed its first generation microprocessor in 2010 and named as Nehalem. This is used in Core i3,i5 and i7 laptops. First Generations machines consume more power and less efficient and low battery backup.Second Generation Microprocessors
The second generation processors were developed in 2011 and named as SandyBridge processors. it is 15% more efficient than the first generation machines. they consume less power and more battery backup as compared to previous generation machines.
Third Generation Microprocessors
Third generation processor was introduced in 2012 and was called Ivy Bridge. it is 45% more faster than the first generation and 5% - 8% more faster than the second generation processors. They consume less power and very high battery backup.
Fourth Generation Microprocessors
Haswell is the latest generation of inter i-series microprocessors. This new microprocessors are introduced in the core i7 machines. They are much more faster than the previous generations with low power and high battery backup.
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