Get payoneer card
Payoneer is a financial service business that provides online money transfer and e-commerce payment services. Payoneer is a registered Member Service Provider of MasterCard Worldwide. Payoneer is a US based payment service that offers services on transferring payment from within USA and Europe to the rest of the countries. Payoneer MasterCard is largely used by the people who are working as a freelancer or working with an international company online or work from home. There are the countries where paypal is not working and Payoneer is an easy way of transferring payment to the account directly.
There are a lot of people out there who are in trouble getting their Payoneer card and lot of times making mistakes which causes the permanent block of the account. So if you do not have an existing account of Payoneer and you are applying for the first time then you should carefully read the below steps:
  1. First visit the official Payoneer website  and click on Signup button
  2. On the signup process make sure to fill the details correctly, check your personal information before submitting the form. your name, date of birth and CNIC number. Also remember your email id and the password to use it for logging into your account.
  3. Once you submit your details you will receive an email from the Payoneer company that will ask you to wait for few days until you receive the new email regarding confirmation of your account.
    Payoneer master card
  5. After a few hours or in some case it takes a few days for the confirmation of your account and you will receive your confirmation letter along with the account details.
  7. You will receive an another email containing your bank account details with two links asking the reason you are ordering for an account and to submit your CNIC or passport image.
  8. Now after doing this process successfully you will receive an email mentioned the shipping timing of your card. You will have to wait for the card to arrive with in the duration or sometimes it gets long to arrive your card. 
  10. Finally you receive your card log into your account and activate your card for use.
In some cases if you are entering your personal details wrong then you will not be able to apply for the card again so be careful to enter your personal details correctly. If you have any other issue regarding your card you can directly talk with the agents or you can send an email to the bank mentioning your issues.

